Elizabeth Howard, MSc, FNTP, CNS, LDN

Elizabeth Howard, MSc, FNTP, CNS, LDN

Elizabeth Howard (Liz) began her transformational nutrition journey 18 years ago in the colorful raw foods movement while living on the West Coast.  Her passion for whole foods, combined with a desire to help individuals facing food and health challenges, led her to leave a successful career in the environmental field and pursue further training as a nutritional therapist. For more than 16 years she has been a board certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) pinpointing individual nutritional needs and providing solutions. She has held a Master of Science (MS) degree in Nutrition for more than 9 years, is a Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS) through the Board for Certification of Nutrition Specialists (BCNS), and is a Licensed Dietician Nutritionist (LDN).  
As a Functional & Integrative Nutritionist, Liz has counseled thousands of individuals, including many in one-on-one programs to help them better understand food as both a source of fuel and a source of healing. Liz is an avid learner and supporter not only to those in need of nutritional therapy, but within the blossoming field of health professionals in the integrative and functional medicine space.  She provides clinical support to other practitioners and individuals.  This includes lab analysis and nutritional follow-up for a  large variety of conditions including:  digestive imbalances (IBS, GERD, IBD, gastritis, pancreatitis, bowel disease, fatty liver etc.), bariatrics, weight and metabolic management, diabetes, thyroid & women’s conditions, autoimmune conditions, cardio-vascular concerns, geriatrics, sleep, mental health, and more.  
Liz considers herself to be a “Foodie” and a lover of all things tasty and nutritious.  Another distinguishing aspect about Liz, is that at her former juice bar and healthy café in Virginia she developed a therapeutic juice brand.  She aspires to continue supporting her community through nutritional services, teaching and advocacy.