Penile Enhancement Surgery UNCENSORED VERSION - Millennial Plastic Surgery NYC


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Penile Enhancement Surgery UNCENSORED VERSION - Millennial Plastic Surgery NYC

Penile enhancement surgery uses a patients own fat as well as stem cells to increase the length and girth of the penis. This procedure can be done under local anesthesia, is almost painless and has almost no downtime. Patients experience increased stamina, virility size and width. The results are permanent with 2-3 inch improvement. Dr. David Shokrian is one of NYC's top plastic surgeons. He finds the positive in any situation, looking beyond the problem to see the solution and the opportunities and rewards it offers. This combination of positivity, creativity and resiliency helps to set the doctor apart from his peers, in his words: “I am motivated by the pursuit to be the best." Millennial Plastic Surgery is located at 56 W 45th St, 4th floor, Manhattan, NY 10038. FREE CONSULTATIONS: B U S I N E S S: For Business and Branding purposes 212-421-7123 Public Relations: Website:

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